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Precision Hiring Using Personality Assessments

Written by Christian Montoya | Feb 23, 2023 2:48:12 PM

When it comes to hiring, companies are more focused on finding the right person for the job than ever before. That makes sense - after all, you only want someone who is truly qualified for a role to join your team. A good fit with your company culture and values is important, but it can be difficult to determine if someone will be a good fit before they start working for you. And there's always the risk that someone who doesn't fit will slip through because they meet criteria like education level or experience level. Personality assessments can help mitigate this risk by giving insight into how candidates might perform in their future roles.

Avoid the risk of hiring someone for the wrong reasons

Hiring the wrong person can be expensive. It can also damage your company's reputation, negatively impact other employees, and lead to lawsuits.

Hiring for skills alone is a mistake because it doesn't consider how well you'll work together in an actual job setting. A personality assessment helps you get beyond surface-level information about candidates and really understand what makes them tick so that you can make better hiring decisions with confidence.

The interview process is also a major time commitment for both the candidate and the interviewer. For this reason, many companies are turning to other methods of evaluating candidates such as personality tests, standardized testing, group interviews or even simulations of workplace scenarios. These methods can be used to evaluate skills that aren't easily measured through one-on-one interviews.

Prevent bias in the interview process

Preventing bias in the interview process is critical to ensuring that your company hires the best people. One of the most common ways that bias comes into play is through first impressions and snap decisions based on looks or other superficial qualities. A well-designed personality assessment can help you avoid this issue by providing a more complete picture of each candidate's abilities, skills, and potential for success at your company.

The interview process can be biased in ways like:

  • Interviewers tend to hire candidates who are similar to themselves (similar personality traits, educational background). This may result in hiring decisions that don't reflect actual abilities or potential performance on the job.
  • An interviewer might also make assumptions about how well an applicant will do based on their appearance or demeanor during an interview - even though these factors may have nothing at all do with how well they actually perform once hired.

Another way that bias can affect hiring decisions is by making them too personal - for example, if one applicant has been unemployed for some time due to health problems or family issues (and thus may not have had as many opportunities), it's easy for an interviewer who has struggled with similar circumstances themselves to feel sympathy toward them over another applicant who has always been healthy throughout their career path and has had no disruptions along the way

Increase confidence that only the right candidates are being interviewed

One of the biggest challenges of hiring is knowing that you're making the right decisions. Interviews are subjective and can only tell you so much about a candidate, which means there's no guarantee that every person who gets hired will be an ideal fit for your team or organization.

Using personality assessments as part of your hiring process can help increase confidence that only the right people are being interviewed in the first place. Personality assessments measure qualities like emotional intelligence, integrity and motivation - all important factors when determining if someone is going to be successful on the job.

Track and improve candidate quality over time

Your company's hiring process is a long and involved one, with many steps and checkpoints. You'll want to ensure that each step is working as intended, so you can make sure that your team has the best possible talent on it.

A good way to track this is by using personality assessments in conjunction with other tools like interviews or tests for skills. Once candidates have been assessed through these tools, their results can be tracked over time and compared with other candidates who have been assessed using the same methods in order to see how well they perform against each other in certain areas (e.g., collaboration). This allows you as an employer not only measure how good someone is at their job but also see how much progress they've made since being hired.

Avoid unnecessary turnover using Precision Hiring

By avoiding unnecessary turnover, you can reduce your hiring costs and improve the productivity and engagement of the people who are already working for you. Reduced employee turnover also improves employer brand reputation by showing that your company cares about its employees. 

It's important to keep in mind that, when it comes to personality assessments, there's no one-size-fits-all approach; what works for one person may not work for another. That's why it's important to use tools like this one as part of an overall strategy that includes other methods such as interviews or reference checks. Using personality assessments to help with hiring is simply a great way to get an objective look at your candidates' personalities. And when you find the right person for your company, it can be a win-win situation: You'll be able to hire more efficiently, reduce turnover and plan for the future.


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